Today Desty come to my house. She asked me to help her to make his boyfriend's birthday gift. We made a photo frame and birthday card. It took hours to make it. Got backache because of that and she should treat me! :p

vessel rupture -.-
what do you think?
After that we ate ice-cream. yayy! :D then waited for KS to fetch us. He promised us before 7 pm he'll arrive at my house, but the fact.... tsktsktsk *you-know-what-i-mean right?. We went to sate padang triadi for our first dinner then fetched AA and continue to MW to take our second dinner at Mcd :p Desty went home first, her boyfriend fetched her at Mcd. How sweet they are and me so envyyy with them lah :p
Lotta' fun today :D how i will miss the times with them *sigh. gotta sleep now. goodnight chicks :*
Dewi Novita Sari
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